With Shop'NCook recipe wizard, you can have a new recipe ready for production in seconds, complete with cost and nutritional analysis. It learns also as you use it and becomes always better at understanding your recipes.
Estimate effortlessly the cost of your recipes and menus, even if you are a complete beginner. Detailed video tutorials will guide you in the arcanes of recipe costing, waste treatment, and more.
Plan your meals, scale your recipes and make aisle-ordered shopping lists from your recipes and meal plans with a few clicks. Avoid food waste by getting exactly the supplies you need.
Analyze the nutritional content from your recipes and create a USDA-approved nutrition facts panel with ingredient list and allergen declaration with a few clicks.
Windows and mac software, mobile apps and online services work together to facilitate your recipe management. The built-in cloud synchronization keep your data synchronized among your devices.
Get the best price for your supplies. Shop'NCook Pro software allows you to maintain a product database for each of your vendors and optimize the price of your shopping list among them with a click.
Unlimited cookbooks
Unlimited recipes
Menu planning
Shopping list
Nutritional analysis
Cost analysis
Price optimization
Include one year cloud synchronization
Include one year online access
Unlimited cookbooks
Unlimited recipes
Menu planning
Shopping list
Nutritional analysis
Cost analysis
Price optimization
Include one year cloud synchronization
Include one year online access
Recipe management
Recipe wizard to easily add recipes
Adding new recipe from picture (OCR)
Shopping list
Nutritional analysis
Cost analysis
Nutrition facts labeling
Cloud synchronization
Include online access
Recipe management
Recipe wizard to easily add recipes
Adding recipes from picture (OCR)
Shopping list
Nutritional analysis
Cost analysis
Nutrition facts labeling
Cloud synchronization
Include mobile applications